The Schnitzel Brothers, theatrical neighbors
The most recent arrivals to the Crescent are the Schnitzel Brothers, a trio of Viennese fairies whose family trade is syncopated displays of acrobatic and gymnastical prowess.
Once members of the famed Kleiner Zirkus Wien, until two of them were nearly devoured by a lion, they now intend to make the rounds of the better music halls.
They have taken Number 36, adjacent to Mrs Kumar at Number 38.
Number 36 boasts three bedrooms, and better still a spacious back garden suited for their frequent, strenuous, and (so it is rumored) shirtless rehearsals.
Mrs Kumar is terribly put out to be sharing a wall with persons connected to show business, and frightfully annoyed that the view into the Schnitzel’s garden is heavily screened by overgrown hedges.