Mrs Kumar, neighbor at Number 38
Often spoken of, seldom seen, Mrs Kumar lives at Number 38, directly across from Messrs. Foxe and Boxe.
She holds sway over the neighbourhood from a twilit perch behind the lace curtains of her music room, which by happy chance commands sweeping views of the Crescent from end to end. No oddity or infraction, no offense against good taste or public morality, escapes her notice or her censure.
She often orders her housemaid, Violet, to carry sternly-worded messages to guilty parties. In a perfect hand and with exemplary spelling, she suggests how they might amend their ways; and explains what will happen to them if they do not.
One does not shrug off advice from Mrs Kumar. The mere sight of Violet heading for the letter-box is enough to make some householders reach for the sal volatile.
Visitors to Number 39, or anywhere else in the Crescent, are therefore strongly cautioned to mind their P’s and Q’s at all times. Even when you think she is not watching.
Mrs Kumar is always watching.