discoveryrenovationworldly goodstextilesthe library

From the beginning, the guiding principle of the renovations has been to preserve whatever original details and finishes could be preserved. Any additions attempt to blend with the original, copying as far as possible its naïve but charming style. I don’t want the house to fool the eye with incredibly fine detail. I want it to look frankly like what it was and is: a toy. This has meant choosing things like full-scale wallpapers over miniature versions–a feature often found in old dolls’ houses that were decorated by their owners with scraps left over from the dining room and the drawing room. The original woodwork was also very simple–arrangements of 1/4 and 1/8 strips of wood, with wooden beads for finials. Happily, this level of craftsmanship was something that I felt I could achieve–even though I had only the barest idea of how to do it.