Miss Josephine Pond, the book-keeper
Miss Pond’s official role in the dressmaking firm of Foxe & Boxe is to keep the accounts in order and to send out the bills.
If you ask her, however, she will tell you plainly that she is all that stands between the company and immediate ruin.
A lesser duck would be utterly unable to cope with the circus atmosphere that, to her continuous disgust, reigns at Number 39. There is entirely too much thoughtless extravagance. There are too many parties for too many friends, many of whom are–to put it delicately–bohemians of the most outrageous description.
Miss Pond does not care if you do not think she is “fun.” She amuses herself in her own way, on her time. On the firm’s time, there is no room for “fun.” She knows that if she so much as blinks, one or the other of the gentlemen will buy an aeroplane. Again.