Lisette and Lolotte, the house models
That Foxe & Boxe have style and vision, there is no doubt.
Yet it could not be denied that the house was lacking…a certain quelque chose. Its image was still un peu homespun. The cachet of the continent was not in evidence.
While Mr Boxe can, and does, speak a certain amount of French, his accent is abysmal and his grammar wobbles.
So it was decided to import the genuine article, Parisian sisters Lisette and Lolotte, to serve as the faces and figures of the firm.
This ultra-elegant pair–daughters, it is whispered, of a pretty laitière in the tenth and a certain Marquis–seem to have been born to ornament the catwalk. Sophisticated, mysterious, and faintly bored with everything all the time, they are simply the dernier cri of the modern feminine.
If only, laments Enid, they didn’t shed quite so much.